Blood center

Eivenių sreet. 2, Kaunas
Phone: +37037326856+37037326500

Working hours:
I, III, V 8 a.m.-18 p.m. 
II, IV 9 a.m.-19 p.m.
VI 9 a.m.-15 p.m.

You can print and fill the questionnaire for blood and blood component donors before the visit. If you do not have a possibility to do that, you could do it in the Blood center. 

The main principle of blood donation – no harm for the donor and maximum benefits for the patient‘s health!

•    You can give blood if you are fit and healthy;
•    Blood donors age is between 18 and 65 years old;
•    Donor‘s body weight must be not less than 50 kg.;
•    Single-use sterile disposable devices are used for blood collection;
•    A full donation is 450ml and 30ml for blood tests. It is WHO recommendation and it is harmless to the donor. This process typically takes 10 minutes;
•    You will need identity document for your visit (your passport, ID card or other document);
•    You will need to fill the questionaire and sign in donor’s consent to donate blood or blood components.