
Head prof. Reda Žemaitienė, MD, PhD
Address: Eivenių Str. 2, LT-50161, Kaunas 
Phone: +370 37 703370 
E-mail: akiu.ligu.klinika@kaunoklinikos.lt

Department of Ophthalmology is the largest institution for diagnosis and treatment of eye diseases in Lithuania.

Mission of department:
To provide highly qualified ophthalmological service in accordance with international standards, to carry out and improve ophthalmology studies, to develop scientific activities, interdisciplinary cooperation with other departments and university researchers, to ensure the improvement of qualification of the medical staff.
The Department of Ophthalmology provides secondary and tertiary level ophthalmological services to children and adults from all Lithuania. The annual turnover is about 88,000 visits of adult patients and about 11,000 of children and more than 11,000 patients are treated in the different departments. The Department of Ophthalmology carries out intensive surgical work (more than 18,000 surgical procedures per year: cataract, glaucoma, vitreoretinal, corneal transplantations, keratoprosthesis, strabismus surgery, intravitreal injections etc.). Here are treated and operated the most seriously-ill patients from all over Lithuania and other foreign countries, including all the ophthalmooncological patients of the country.
In 2017, the Department of Ophthalmology of Hospital of Lithuanian University of Health Sciences Kauno Klinikos was granted European Reference Network membership in ERN-EYE (Rare Eye Diseases).
Academic Studies are integral part of everyday clinical practice: about 300 Lithuanian and foreign students studying in the Medical Academy of Lithuanian University of Health Sciences are having ophthalmology course annually and also residents cover a 3-year program in ophthalmology.
The Department of Ophthalmolgy of the Hospital of the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences was accreditated by Consilium Europeum Ophthalmologiae in 2010 and reaccreditated in 2017.

  • The Eye Consultative-Diagnostic Unit (outpatient department) (headed by prof. I. Janulevičienė MD, PhD)
  • Department of Children's Eye Diseases (headed by A. Gelžinis MD, PhD)
  • One-day Surgical Division (headed by prof. D. Žaliūnienė MD, PhD)
  • Inpatient Department of Adult Eye Diseases (headed by assoc. prof. D. Stanislovaitienė MD, PhD​)

There are several specified sections established in order to improve the quality and provide better care in different fields of ophthalmology:

  • Cataract, Glaucoma and Laser Surgery Sector (headed by prof. D. Žaliūnienė MD, PhD)
  • Vitreoretinal Surgery Sector (headed by M. Špečkauskas MD, PhD)
  • Cornea and Uveitis Sector (headed by prof. R. Žemaitienė MD, PhD)
  • Ocular Oncology, Reconstructive and Plastic Surgery Sector (headed by G. Miniauskienė MD, PhD)
  • Retina Diseases Sector (headed by assoc. prof. J. V. Balčiūnienė MD, PhD)
  • Strabismus and Neuroophthalmology Sector (headed by assoc. prof. A. Gelžinis  MD, PhD)
  • 'Healthy and patients with age-related macular degeneration new genetic and metabolic markers search'. Headed by prof. V. Deltuva MD, PhD, Investigators: assoc. prof. R. Liutkevičienė MD, PhD and dr. L. Kriaučiūnienė MD, PhD 2015-2018 (funded by Lithuanian Science Council)
  • 'Association of pseudoexfoliation syndrome’s clinical features with ischemic heart disease and oxidative stress '. Headed by prof. G. Bernotienė MD, PhD, Investigators: M. Špečkauskas MD, PhD, U. Rumelaitienė MD, 2015-2018 (funded by Lithuanian Science Council)
  • 'The influence of clinical, genetic and environmental risks on the pathogenesis of the development of Late Diabetic Complications of Type 1 Diabetes' Headed by prof. R. Verkauskienė MD, PhD, Investigator I. Derkač MD, 2013-2023 (funded by Lithuanian Science Council)
  • 'Complex research on complementary reality for people with disabilities (blind and partially sighted)'. VGTU project headed by prof. D. Plikynas MD, PhD, Investigators: prof. R. Žemaitienė MD, PhD, prof. D. Žaliūnienė MD, PhD, 2017-2021
  • 'Investigation and numerical modeling of cerebral blood flow autoregulation and intracranial pressure in glaucoma patients'. Headed by prof. I. Janulevičienė MD, PhD, Investigators: L. Šiaudvytytė MD, A. Daveckaitė MD, E. Mačiulaitytė, 2018-2019